Brogi Marco ,
Ulteriori possibilità di « communicatio in sacris»?,
Antonianum, 60/2-3 (1985) p. 459-477
Summary: The Second Vatican Council has recognised the validity of all the Sacraments of the Orthodox and Ancient Oriental Churches, and has authorised, on some conditions, a certain measure of ecclesiastical intercommunion (communicatio in sacris) between Catholics and the Orthodox or Ancient Oriental, wich extends to the Sacraments of Penance, the Eucharist, and the Anointing of the Sick. The author enquires about the possibility of such intercommunion — on the same conditions and between the faithful of the same Churches — being extended also to the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation, as well as to the blessing of marriage. Latin canon law does not even mention these situations, but seems however not to forbid them; the drafts (« schemata ») of the projected Code of Oriental Canon Law are more sensitive to the problems, and accept some of these new possibilities.