Inicio > Publicaciones > Carbajo-Núñez Miércoles 03 Julio 2024

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Ecology and Evangelization», (9.01.2024), (23)

Foto Carbajo-Núñez Martín , Ecology and Evangelization», (9.01.2024), (23), in Blog:, 23-EN (2024) p. 2 .

Ecology has to be present in the evangelization of the Church. Evangelizing is witnessing a life consistent with the gospel, including our behavior in the field of ecology. Indeed, “living the vocation of being protectors of God’s work is an essential part of a virtuous existence” [1].

The perspective has to be comprehensive, since we form a big family and everything is related. Consequently, “the action of the Church not only attempts to remind us of the duty to care for nature, but at the same time it must protect, above all, man against the destruction of himself” ( LS 79; CV 51).

Blog Alfonsiana: ("Ecología y Evangelización", online); Blog cssr: Italiano (PDF - Online), English (PDF - Online); Español (PDF - Online)

Palabras clave: Ecology, evangelization, Laudato si'

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Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Roma - Italia
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