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Virtù ‘naturales’ e giustizie. la q. 1 della dist. 33 del III libro della lectura super sententias di Odo Rigaldi

Foto Sileo Leonardo , Virtù ‘naturales’ e giustizie. la q. 1 della dist. 33 del III libro della lectura super sententias di Odo Rigaldi, in Antonianum, 80/4 (2005) p. 661-677 .

Summary: This article traces the phases of the doctrinal development with regard to the connexion between the philosophical theory of the virtues and the theological notion of general justice, with specific reference to the contribution made to it by Odo Rigaldi, teacher of St. Bonaventure. The first concerns the ontologistic discourse about the relationship between natural activity and the ‘accidental’ accompaniment of grace. The second concerns the anthropological value or application of the concept of general justice.