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Publications of Walter W. Artus publications (6)

Articles (6)
Artus Walter W., Three Indicators of the Christian Character and Spirit Revealed in Ramon Llull's Writings , in Antonianum 67/2-3 (1992) p. 330-359.

SOMMARIO: Una lunga tradizione, molto discutibile, ha fatto di Raimondo Lullo una fi­gura di razionalista di dubbia ortodossia. L'... (More)

Artus Walter W., Ramon Lliilli'Approach and Answers to Atheism, in Antonianum 67/4 (1992) p. 520-528.

SOMMARIO: L'autore presenta uno studio sull'opera di Ramon Llull «Liber de Gentili et Tribus Sapientibus», i... (More)

Artus Walter W. , The Christian Philosophical Understanding of Roman Lull's Ģ Rationes Necessariae ģ , in Antonianum 62/2-3 (1987) p. 237-270.

Résumé — Elle est dénuée de fondement l'accusation faite à Raymond Lulle d'être un... (More)

Artus Walter M. , Ramon Lull, the Metaphysician , in Antonianum 56/4 (1981) p. 715-749.
Artus Walter W. , Ramon Lull's Theological Understanding and Language , in Antonianum 52/4 (1977) p. 647-679.
Artus Walter W. , Creation, Christian Philosophy and R. Lull , in Antonianum 50/3-4 (1975) p. 457-482.
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