Inizio > Rivista Antonianum > Mercoledì 03 luglio 2024

Contributi dell´autore Marcello Buscemi (2)

Articoli (2)
Buscemi Marcello, Dio Padre in S. Paolo, in Antonianum 76/2 (2001) p. 247/269.

Summary: The present study intends to fill a gap found in the field of Pauline studies. Indeed, despite the amount of scholarly research ... (Continua)

Buscemi Alfio Marcello , Gal 3,8-14 Le genti benedette in Abramo per la fede, in Antonianum 74/2 (1999) p. 195-225.

Summary: Gal 3: 8-14, nodal point of the Puline doctrine of justification by faith, was and is the object of numerous studies that attemp... (Continua)

Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Roma - Italia
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