Home > Antonianum Review > Wednesday 03 July 2024

Publications of Stéphane Oppes publications (2)

Articles (2)
Oppes Stéphane , Luigi Stefanini e la censura del S. Offizio del 1929, in Antonianum 81/4 (2006) p. 615-632.

Summary: In 1929, the personalist philosopher Luigi Stefanini (1891-1956) was censured by the Holy Office for having failed to print an imprimatur, and – perhap... (More)

Oppes Stefano, Formazione e studio nella nuova Ratio Studiorum dell’Ordine dei Frati Minori, in Antonianum 77/1 (2002) p. 3-31.

Summary: Last year the OFM General Secretariat for Formation and Studies published a short text (148 pages) entitled: Ratio Studío... (More)

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