Summary: From the right to being to the gift of being. – The season of claiming the right-to-be, and the radical autonomy in thinki... (Continua)
Todisco Orlando,
Scuola Francescana e corporeitā: opposizione o condivisione? , in Antonianum 78/3 (2003) p. 447-483. |
Summary: A certain type of historiography maintains that the patristic period remains a victim of agnostic dualism (of Markan origins), and the medieval period of Cat... (Continua)
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Todisco Orlando,
L'io e l'altro secondo G. Duns Scoto e E. Lévinas, in Antonianum 71/2 (1996) p. 265-306. |
SUMMARY: - The research is dealt with in three sections: (1) Analysis of « volo ut sis » of Scotus with specific reference to... (Continua)
Todisco Orlando,
L'etica kantiana nel pluralismo etico attuale, in Antonianum 64/1 (1989) p. 153-195. |
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