Inizio > Rivista Antonianum > Mercoledì 03 luglio 2024

Contributi dell´autore Isaac Vázquez Janeiro (14)

Ad lectores (1)
Vazquez Janeiro Isaac - Agrelo Iacobus, Ad lectores, in Antonianum 51/1 (1976) p. 3-4.
Articoli (12)
Vázquez Janeiro Isaac, ¿Enrique de Villena o Diego Moxena de Valencia? En torno al autor de la primera traducción de la Divina Commedia (s. XV) , in Antonianum 74/1 (1999) p. 3-51.

Summary: The noble and erudite Spaniard, Enrique de Aragón (or de Villena), who translated Virgil’s Aeneid between 1427-1428... (Continua)

Vàzquez Janeiro Isaac, « O sommo Giove ». Sobre la fortuna literaria de una invocación de Dante (Purg. VI, 118) , in Antonianum 70/2 (1995) p. 217-235.

Riassunto: In the tercet of Purg. 6, 118-20, Dante invokes God to eliminate the evils which afflict both Italy and the Church. In the pag... (Continua)

Vàzquez Janeiro Isaac , « Nominetur ille doctor ». El ultime* deseo incumplido de Juan Hus en Costanza , in Antonianum 66/2-3 (1991) p. 265-300.

SUMMARY — Among the heresies attributed to Jan Hus, which were solemnly read in the Cathedral of Constance on the 6th July... (Continua)

Vàzquez Janeiro Isaac, Ei Encoinio Mariano « Cunctas Haereses Sola Interemisti ». Origen de su sentido Inmaculista , in Antonianum 66/4 (1991) p. 497-531.

SUMMARY — The encomium «Cunctas haereses sola interemisti» was first adopted to ho­nour the faith and the virginity... (Continua)

Vàzquez Janeiro Isaac, I francescani e il dialogo,con gli ebrei e i saracèni nei secoli XIII-XV , in Antonianum 65/4 (1990) p. 533-549.
Vàzquez Janeiro Isaac, Dónde nació Fray Diego Valencia, poeta del Cancionero de Baena? , in Antonianum 64/2-3 (1989) p. 366-397.

Summary — The franciscan Diego of Valencia, theologian and poet of the Cancio­nero de Baena refers to his native count... (Continua)

Vàzquez Janeiro Isaac, Cultura y censura en el siglo XVI. A propòsito de la edición de « Index des livres interdits », in Antonianum 63/1 (1988) p. 26-73.

Summary — From the outset a review is made of the first four Volumes of the important collection Index des livres interdits, Continua)

Vàzquez Janeiro Isaac, Anticristo' « mixto », Anticristo « mistico ». Varia fortuna de dos expresiones escatológicas medievales , in Antonianum 63/4 (1988) p. 522-550.

Summary — Starting from the renowned Franciscan Pierre Jean-Olieu (Olivi) (f 1298), a typical forerunner of the biblical Antichrist... (Continua)

Vàzquez Janeiro Isaac, Pedro Trigoso (f 1593). Fuentes para una biografia documentada, in Antonianum 61/1 (1986) p. 154-171.

Summary. — On account of his work Summa theologica sancti Bona-venturae, Pedro Trigoso de Calatayud (1533-1593) is conside... (Continua)

Vàzqùez Janeiro Isaac, La Orden Capuchina en la historia del dogma de la Inmaculada Concepción, in Antonianum 61/2-3 (1986) p. 381-433.

Summary. — The Dogmatic Definition of the Virgin Mary's Immaculate Conception, long before December 8, 1854, was the object of ... (Continua)

Vàzquez Janeiro Isaac, El Cardenal capuchino Anselmo Marzati de Monopoli (f 1607). Aproximación a su vida y edición de su « votùm » sobre el culto debido a los Siervosde Dios , in Antonianum 61/4 (1986) p. 598-658.
Vàzquez Janeiro Isaac, I tabù della storia dello scotismo , in Antonianum 59/3-4 (1984) p. 337-392.
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