Inicio > Revista Antonianum > Artículos > Solares Lunes 22 Julio 2024

Revista Antonianum
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Foto Solares Cristóbal , Antropología y psicología en Martín Buber, in Antonianum, 86/2 (2011) p. 307-318 .

Summary: The Author carries out here close research into the anthropological thought of Martin Buber, highlighting the psychological and psychotherapeutic implications of his philosophy, as well as the Jewish philosopher’s interest in interdisciplinary dialogue. The fact of the matter is that Buber was a man of dialogue, who was open to the multidimensionality of the human being, and who privileged encounter (Begegnung) over confrontation (Vergegnung). Hence an enriching exchange and comparison with psychologists and psychiatrists of the stature of Freud, Jung, Sullivan, von Weizsäcker, Binswanger, Jaspers, Rogers and Frankl.

Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Roma - Italia
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