Inizio > Rivista Antonianum > Articoli > Álvarez Barredo Lunedì 22 luglio 2024

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Foto Álvarez Barredo Miguel , Los relatos sobre los primeros jueces (jue 3,7-4). Enfoques literarios y teológicos, in Antonianum, 73/3 (1998) p. 407-457 .

In Jgs 2:11-19, we find a series of literary and theological keys that run through most of the book of Judges. These are formulas, which have been used to unify and armonize the stories of the Judges. The conclusions of the study done by W. Richter, among others, have served greatly to give a unifyng comprehension of the book. Yet, together with these keys, each episode of a judge encloses a literary and theological wealth, which brings us into conact with the early steps and intentions of the original authors. The present study attemps primarily to center its attention on the internal literary diomension of each narrative in this section of the book. It does so with the intent of discerning what were the interests and the intended goals. The aforementioned authors have embossed and presented, with an artistry worthy of admiration, the story of each judge. Contempated, these literary recourses bring to the fore a manner of interpreting the intervention of God by means of mediators and this is the intent of these pages.

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