Inizio > Rivista Antonianum > Articoli > Jaeger Mercoledì 03 luglio 2024

Rivista Antonianum
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Foto Jaeger David-M.A. , Ad lectores, in Antonianum, 81/3 (2006) p. 411 .

Our editorial team is very pleased to be able to offer once more to our readers contents of the high quality that has been characteristic of Antonianum for decades. This is not a simple thing to achieve. Obviously we depend on our writers, or rather on having, repeatedly, at our disposal a sufficient number of  appropriate submissions, from which to choose those best suited for publication. We always welcome such submissions from near and far, from faculty members of our own University, of course, but also, no less, from serious scholars elsewhere – and there are some… In the following pages, Luigi Orlando OFM  proposes a fascinatingly innovative –  closely and persuasively argued – reading of the Epistle of St. James, while Chritopher Begg  continues his riveting series of  articles on key Biblical personages as reflected in the writings of Josephus –  focusing this time on the fabled “wealth of Solomon.” Anneliese Meis Wörmer  invites us to explore – in, through and with St. Bonaventure’s Breviloquium – the enduring mystery of “otherness.” Thereby she brings out once more the perennial relevance of that “last of the Fathers” to the great themes, philosophical and theological, that occupy us in every age. As to our own age, as it were, with its own (often dark yet determined) questing: Arnaud Corbic OFM guides us on a revealing consideration of the thought of the philosopher-novelist (or should it be, novelist philosopher?) Albert Camus. Camus, one may hazard a tentative observation (entirely impressionistic, I admit, with no empirical verification to back it up) has had - at once time or another in the lives of many of us – a more powerful, more direct, sometimes more disconcerting impact on us than almost any other contemporary thinker (“impact” being the operative word too). On another plane, so to speak, Ciro Tammaro  involves us in a fresh look at  the – mediaeval, but really never ending - discussion of the freedom due (or not due) to religious in caring for the flock, this being the primary and proper responsibility of the episcopate.

Our book reviews are preceded by a distinct section of relationes bibliographicae, which brings together reviews that are that and more, in the depth and complexity of their discussion of the issues themselves. Chronica, as always, puts on the record, as it were, significant scholarly or academic events associated in some meaningful way with our University.

The occasional section Bio-Bibliographia  is dedicated here to Father Gino Concetti OFM. It pays tribute to his many years of teaching at the “Antonianum,” but no less so, to his long service to the  teaching function of the Church on a much larger stage.

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