Inizio > Rivista Antonianum > Articoli > Klimas Martedì 03 dicembre 2024

Rivista Antonianum
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Foto Klimas Narcyz , Itinerari, Guide, Racconti, Tradizioni o Abitudini dei Pellegrini in Terra Santa, in Antonianum, 87/1 (2012) p. 93-144 .

Summary: Pilgrimages in the Holy Land that include Mount Sion are always of great interest. Taking into consideration this challenge I try to highlight my personal, spiritual and human experiences that were born in a pilgrimage of this kind. This spiritual journey was accomplished in the midst of several difficulties and risks. To make it easier to undertake these ventures there have been written numerous guidebooks by the pilgrims themselves and − among them − by Franciscan Friars who were in charge of pilgrims. These booklets present practical information on everyday life in the Holy Land, on how to conduct oneself in various situations, on dress codes to be followed etc. The present article reflects on these practical issues and focuses in a particularly on pilgrims’ interests and attitudes.

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