Inicio > Revista Antonianum > Artículos > Ruiz de Loizaga Miércoles 03 Julio 2024

Revista Antonianum
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Foto Ruiz de Loizaga Saturnino , Exigencias de justicia y castigo en /el cartulario , de Santa Marià de Valpuesta (siglos IX-XII) , in Antonianum, 66/2-3 (1991) p. 352-368 .

Summary — In the present study the author analyses the canonical and spiritual penalties together with the sanctions to be inflicted upon those who transgress or fail to execute the deceased's last will or testament, as they are expressed in the charter of S. Maria de Valpues-ta (nn. IX-XII). These penalties manifest an intimate relationship with biblical, theological, spiritual and eschatological aspects and themes, which openly express how during the Late Middle Ages juridical affairs obtained the necessary guarantees in favour of the catholic faith. On a more general level, a confrontation is made between this charter and others of the neighbouring provinces, and the author becomes aware that the feeling against the above-mentioned trangressors is similarly reflected in the colophons of these latter charters.The penal clauses and sanctions, as they appear in the charter of S. Maria de Valpues-ta, reflect the religious and social mentality typical of the period, namely that of the Late Middle Ages.

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