Inizio > Rivista Antonianum > Articoli > Oppes Mercoledì 03 luglio 2024

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Foto Oppes Stéphane , Luigi Stefanini e la censura del S. Offizio del 1929, in Antonianum, 81/4 (2006) p. 615-632 .

Summary: In 1929, the personalist philosopher Luigi Stefanini (1891-1956) was censured by the Holy Office for having failed to print an imprimatur, and – perhaps rather more importantly – for his attempt at dialogue with the idealism then dominant in the context of Italian philosophy. So far little was known, and then only fragmentarily and indirectly, of these particularly painful proceedings concerning the philosopher from Treviso - proceedings affecting also, more widely, Italian Catholic philosophy in the first half of the twentieth century. Thanks to Pope Benedict XVI’s decision of 30 june 2006, to render accessible to scholars, as of 18 September in the same year, all of the archived documentation of the pontificate of Pope Pius XI (6 February 1922 – 10 February 1939), the Author is able to publish here the documents regarding the censuring of Stefanini, preserved in the Fondo ‘Censura librorum’ of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Fascicle C.L. 1929, 786 – together with an essential introduction to the relevant facts.

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