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Revista Antonianum
Artículos 2001 - 2003 (72/723)



Dono al Papa 12 libros (2013, 2019, 2023, JP-2000-3)

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Anno 2003
Huculak Benedykt, De activa indole maternitatis secundum beatum Ioannem Duns Scotum, in Antonianum 78/4 (2003) p. 615-626.

Summary: This article was written to demonstrate the noteworthy contribution of Blessed John Duns Scotus to clarify the intrinsic mark of... (Continua)

Parisoli Luca, Théorie et pratique de la pauvreté: les Frères Mineurs au Royaume Uni, in Antonianum 78/4 (2003) p. 627-650.

Summary: Franciscan brothers of the XIII and XIV centuries were confronted with the idea of poverty and the practice of a poor life. To t... (Continua)

Vespa Mauro, Linee per una ricostruzione delle fasi del confronto di Heidegger con Hegel, in Antonianum 78/4 (2003) p. 651-677.

Summary: The article reconstructs, from a historical point of view, the stages of Heidegge’s engagement with Hegel’s thought.... (Continua)

Scheneider Herbert, Die Würde der menschlichen Person nach Johannes Duns Scotus, in Antonianum 78/4 (2003) p. 679-684.


Spelič Miran, Vittorino da Poetovio, profeta diventato esegeta, in Antonianum 78/4 (2003) p. 685-691.


Canaccini Federico, Parroci e pievani nel territorio aretino agli inizi del Trecento, in Antonianum 78/4 (2003) p. 693-703.

Abstract: Il breve articolo che segue prende le mosse da alcuni documenti, sinora inediti, contenuti in un faldone notarile relativo ai p... (Continua)

Auletta Gennaro, How quantum mechanics suggests new insights in metaphysics and natural theology, in Antonianum 78/4 (2003) p. 705-710.

Summary: We examine the concept of complementarity, introduced by Bohr for interpreting quantum mechanics: It is very useful but characte... (Continua)

BUFFON Giuseppe , Francescanesimo al femminile’ nel nuovo mondo (1865-1890): una via di modernizzazione della vita religiosa, in Antonianum 78/3 (2003) p. 485-511.

Summary: Departing from diverse landmarks delineating the concept of "modernity", the article seeks to grasp some of the traits characteristic of new forms ... (Continua)

Popović Anto, Freedom and right of the Apostle: Gratis proclamation of the Gospel as an example of the correct use of freedom and right according to 1Cor 9:1-18, in Antonianum 78/3 (2003) p. 415-445.

Summary: Freedom and right are, in the first place, ethical categories. In the Corinthian Christian community, however, the question of t... (Continua)

Todisco Orlando, Scuola Francescana e corporeità: opposizione o condivisione? , in Antonianum 78/3 (2003) p. 447-483.

Summary: A certain type of historiography maintains that the patristic period remains a victim of agnostic dualism (of Markan origins), and the medieval period of Cat... (Continua)

Garuti Adriano, Las Iglesias autóctonas en la realidad latinoamericana, in Antonianum 78/3 (2003) p. 513-527.

Summary: Among the many questions proposed by Indian Theology, the author is particularly interested in the possible institution of auton... (Continua)

Sengers Erik, “You don’t have to be a saint or a practicing catholic...” Higher tension and lower attachement in the Dutch Catholic Church since 1970, in Antonianum 78/3 (2003) p. 529-545.

Summary: Since 1970, a controversial reorganization of the Dutch Catholic Church has taken place. Rational choice theory on religion expe... (Continua)

Robson Michael, Franciscan Bishops in partibus infidelium: Ministering in Medieval England, in Antonianum 78/3 (2003) p. 547-573.

Summary: From the middle of the thirteenth century Franciscan bishops began to minister in England. Initially, they were exiled from thei... (Continua)

Göbel Christian, Vom Neid, in Antonianum 78/3 (2003) p. 75-88.

Summary: It is often hard for modern men to understand that envy is considered one of the seven ‘capital sins’. Therefore, this article seeks to describe ... (Continua)

Herbst Thomas, The passion as paradoxical exemplarism in Bonaventure’s Commentary to the Gospel of John, in Antonianum 78/2 (2003) p. 209-248.

Summary: Bonaventure was a notable biblical exegete. His Commentary on the Gospel of John was widely disseminated throughout Europe and this is evident by the large n... (Continua)

Forthomme Bernard, Le signe jaloux des stigmates et ses contestations, in Antonianum 78/2 (2003) p. 249-290.

Summary: This critical study examines the main reasons for the hostility manifested to the phenomenon of the stigmata, from its inception to the present day, as well ... (Continua)

Gandolfi Domenico, Padre Allegra e la Bibbia cinese: le tappe di una traduzione, in Antonianum 78/2 (2003) p. 291-320.

Summary: G. Allegra was a leading figure in biblical studies and sinology during the middle of 20th century. His attempt to provide an ac... (Continua)

Manzano Isidoro, Ontología de la persona humana según Escoto, in Antonianum 78/2 (2003) p. 321-356.

Summary: Moving from a revision of the five traditional definitions of “person”, as proposed by Alexander of Hales, the essay... (Continua)

Giordan Giuseppe, Dall’uno al molteplice: la legittimazione dei valori nell’epoca del pluralismo, in Antonianum 78/2 (2003) p. 357-375.

Summary: The transition from traditional society to modern and postmodern society seems to have brought with it a new way of grounding va... (Continua)

Pickstock Catherine, Modernity and Scholasticism: A critique of recent invocations of univocity, in Antonianum 78/1 (2003) p. 3-46.

Summary: Recently, Duns Scotus has been much invoked, both by ’postmodern’ thinkers and by Catholic thinkers trying to align Catholicism with modernity. T... (Continua)

Fiorentino Francesco, Gregorio da Rimini e la definizione di contingente nel proprio contesto culturale, in Antonianum 78/1 (2003) p. 47-73.

Summary: The aim of this article is to describe and explain the definition of contingency according to Gregory of Rimini (around 1300-135... (Continua)

Marchitielli Elena, Statuto ontologico dell’uomo ed eutanasia: una improponibile equazione, in Antonianum 78/1 (2003) p. 89-112.

Summary: The relevance which mass media accords to bioethics and to problems related to it, in particular to euthanasia, can be interpret... (Continua)

Costacurta Claudia, Il manoscritto Reginense Latino 692 della Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. Un manuale di storia?, in Antonianum 78/1 (2003) p. 113-142.

Summary: The Vaticano Reginense Latino 692 manuscript presents intrinsic and inherent characteristics which seem to attest to a precise i... (Continua)

Anno 2002
Stasiak Slawomir Jan, Controversia in Galilea e guarigione dell'uomo con la mano inaridita, in Antonianum 77/4 (2002) p. 617-648.

Summary: The article proposes a synchronic analysis of Mark 3,1-6. It carries it out in three steps: the preliminary investigations (the delimitation, criticism and s... (Continua)

De Feo Francesco, Desiderio di giustizia nell'architettura poetica del salmo 58, in Antonianum 77/4 (2002) p. 649-682.

Summary: Despite the positive consideration that Psalm 58 enjoys, it gets little attention due to the obscurity of the text and the violence of the images used. The p... (Continua)

Huculak Benedykt, Quomodo Ioannes Duns Scotus ditaverit theologiam de Trinitate, in Antonianum 77/4 (2002) p. 683-698.

Summary: The topic here proposed can be interesting in itself for the fact that John Duns Scotus, the last great medieval theologian, came quite a while after St. Tho... (Continua)

Oviedo Lluís, Alcune strategie di sopravvivenza in un ordine religioso: un esercizio di teologia empirica, in Antonianum 77/4 (2002) p. 699-720.

Summary: The need to discern among the many causes of the present crisis in Religious Orders motivates an empirical research. To this end... (Continua)

Etzi Priamo, La formazione permanente dei religiosi quale "dinamismo di fedeltà", in Antonianum 77/4 (2002) p. 721-740.

Summary: Formation activity is based on a dynamic need which is intrinsic in the religious charism, in itself permanent and irreversible. It should therefore be conce... (Continua)

Cattani Richardi, Commentarii de Ara Silvani ex Vico Vulgo S. Terenziano (Gualdo Cattaneo), in Dioecesi Tudertina, in Antonianum 77/4 (2002) p. 741-748.

Summary: The present paper analyses for the first time a sacred inscription from S. Terenziano (Perugia, Italy), which in the authors opi... (Continua)

Tamaro Ciro, Il Prelato come Ordinario proprio della Prelatura personale, in Antonianum 77/3 (2002) p. 575-584.


Cavicchioli Curzio, Introduzione: la teologia e il problema di Nietzsche, in Antonianum 77/3 (2002) p. 417-424.
Klinger Elmar, Nietzsche - Una lettura controcorrente: un discorso teologico, in Antonianum 77/3 (2002) p. 425-440.
Motta Giovanni, Nietzsche e il pensiero del XX secolo , in Antonianum 77/3 (2002) p. 441-462.
Cattaneo Arturo, La priorità della Chiesa universale sulla Chiesa particolare, in Antonianum 77/3 (2002) p. 503-541.

Summary: The question about the priority between the universal Church and the particular Church has aroused considerable interest in post... (Continua)

Penzo Giorgio, Nichilismo positivo e il divino, in Antonianum 77/3 (2002) p. 463-474.
Sella Pacifico, Aspetti storici della missione di Giovanni da Montecorvino nel Cathay, in Antonianum 77/3 (2002) p. 475-502.
Kinsella Sean, Athanasius’ life of Anthony as monastic paradigm for the First Life of St. Francis by Thomas of Celano: a preliminary outline, in Antonianum 77/3 (2002) p. 542-556.

Summary: This essay looks at the influence of the Vita Antonii of Athanasius on the Vita Prima sancti Francisci of Thomas of Celano. The ... (Continua)

Buffon Giuseppe, I francescani si confrontano con la propria storia: ricerca storica e trasformazione istituzionale, in Antonianum 77/3 (2002) p. 557-574.

Summary: Franciscan history has been a very disputed field of study due to the practical consequences which its comprehension promotes. T... (Continua)

Nold Patrick, A forgoten coppy of a decretal harmony, in Antonianum 77/3 (2002) p. 585-590.
Barredo Miguel Álvarez, Aspectos sintácticos de Jueces 10,1-12,15, in Antonianum 77/2 (2002) p. 211-233.

Summary: A syntactic reading of Jefte’s cycle sheds light on the way the narrative of events is built and helps to delimit the different traditions around this ... (Continua)

Conti Martino, Il Concilio Apostolico e la lettera ai Galati (At 15,1-29; Gal 2,1-21), in Antonianum 77/2 (2002) p. .

Summary: On the common assumption that Acts 15:1-29 and Gal. 2:1-21 confront the same problem: “that salvation comes through faith ... (Continua)

Chomik Wacław Stanisław, Il soffrire e il morire di Francesco d'Assisi. Una risposta alla recente mentalità eutanasica (II), in Antonianum 77/2 (2002) p. 257-284.

Summary: This text continues the article already published in the former issue of Antonianum. Its aim is to cope with the serious challen... (Continua)

Calvo Gaspar, Mariología Trinitaria de la M. Agreda. Notas para su estudio, in Antonianum 77/2 (2002) p. 285-316.

Summary: This year marks  the IV Centenary of the birth of Sr. María de Jesús de Agreda (1602-1665), an outstanding ma... (Continua)

Dougherty Kevin D., Mobilizing Members: Congregational Strategies for Increasing Participation, in Antonianum 77/2 (2002) p. 317-334.

Summary: The voluntary nature of American religion necessitates the commitment and participation of members for religious organizations t... (Continua)

Grondelski John M., Registered Partnership, Homosexual Weddings and the Institutional Subversion of Marriage, in Antonianum 77/2 (2002) p. 335-350.

Summary: Marriage as an institution consisting of a man and a woman is under broad legal attack in many developed countries. The philosop... (Continua)

Oppes Stefano, Formazione e studio nella nuova Ratio Studiorum dell’Ordine dei Frati Minori, in Antonianum 77/1 (2002) p. 3-31.

Summary: Last year the OFM General Secretariat for Formation and Studies published a short text (148 pages) entitled: Ratio Studío... (Continua)

Melone Mary D. , Lo Spirito Santo nel De Trinitate di Riccardo di San Vittore: L’originalità di una proposta, in Antonianum 77/1 (2002) p. 33-66.

Summary: This introduction to Richard of St. Victor's pneumathology seeks to deepen our understanding of the Trinitarian theology fou... (Continua)

Chomick Wacław Stanisław , Il soffrire e il morire di Francesco d’Assisi , in Antonianum 77/1 (2002) p. 67-92.

Summary: The reception given to Peter Singer's work on and foster­ing a new ethic and euthanasia continues to be both growing and... (Continua)

Scognamiglio Eduardo, Chiesa, mondo e globalizzazione, in Antonianum 77/1 (2002) p. 93-130.

Summary: Globalization is a broad and complex phenomenon: with both positives, negatives and not a little confusion in the areas of econo... (Continua)

Pospisil Ctirad V. , La dimensione universale dell’opera salvifica di Gesú Cristo e gli ipotetici extraterresti: un esperimento mentale in Cristologia, in Antonianum 77/1 (2002) p. 152-162.

Summary: This article’s basic thrust concerns the connection between the universality, in creation, of the mediation of the Eternal... (Continua)

Schreurs Nico, Schuldbekenntnis und Öffentlichkeit, in Antonianum 77/1 (2002) p. 151-162.

Summary: This article asks why it has been so difficult to explain the purpose and meaning of  Pope John Paul II March 2000 Mea Culp... (Continua)

Gössmann Elisabeth, Die Unterschiede in Anthropologie und Mariologie Zwischen Thomas von Aquin und den Franziskanern, in Antonianum 77/1 (2002) p. 163-170.

Summary: In Greek classical thought, two diverse concepts of female fertility (Aristotelian: woman is inferior to man. Gallenean: with a more egalitarian view based o... (Continua)

Anno 2001
Teklak Czesław, La dottrina “extra Ecclesiam nulla salus” e il suo significato per il dialogo interreligioso, in Antonianum 76/4 (2001) p. 613-649.

Summary: Several passages in the Bible deal with the salvation of those living outside the Church. On this base, the Patristic tradition ... (Continua)

Dotolo Carmelo, La relazione tra teologia e postmodernità: problemi e prospettive, in Antonianum 76/4 (2001) p. 651-685.

Summary: The different evaluations of the postmodern culture can lead to contrasting theological interpretations of the problematics linked to the present. A possible... (Continua)

Oppes Stephane, La parola quale actus absolutus et respectivus predicata sempre nozionalmente in Dio , in Antonianum 76/4 (2001) p. 687-728.

Summary: Bonaventure, in his Comment to the First Book of the Sentences, seems to be the first to maintain that the term “verbum&rd... (Continua)

Viera David J. , Eiximenis, Fra Dolcino and the “Malvat hom”, in Antonianum 76/4 (2001) p. 729-746.

Summary: In his Terç, del Crestià and Llibre de les dones Francesc Eiximenis referred to a "malvat hom" (evil man... (Continua)

Conti Martino, Gioia per il soccorso divino secondo il Salmo 5, in Antonianum 76/3 (2001) p. 407-428.

Summary: After a description of the internal characteristics of the Psalm 5, the study distinguishes among the following: a) the introduc... (Continua)

Huculak Benedykt, De mature augustiniano opere Joannis Duns Scoti, in Antonianum 76/3 (2001) p. 429-478.

Summary: The article is an answer to the reproches moved by some English-speaking theologians against John Duns Scotus. In their opinion ... (Continua)

Mascarenhas Sidney J. , The Itinerary and Language of a Pluriverse , in Antonianum 76/3 (2001) p. 479-493.

Summary:  The Ionian, Cartesian and Promethean endeavours have left us a “Universe” as a heritage. This article attempts... (Continua)

Göbel Christian, Nietzsches Übermensch, in Antonianum 76/3 (2001) p. 495-519.

Summary:The subject of the present paper is Nietzsche’s Overman. It gives a new interpretation, emphasising a psychological-biograp... (Continua)

Albrile Ezio, La posterità di IAO , in Antonianum 76/3 (2001) p. 521-549.

Summary: The article explores some aspects of Gnostic syncretism in the light of an epigraph from Athens, called the “Magic Sphere&... (Continua)

Sileo Leonardo, I ‘Soggetti’ della Teologia e il ‘Soggetto’ della Metafisica. , in Antonianum 76/2 (2001) p. 207-224.

Summary: The doctrinal developments between the 13th and 14th centuries concerning the ‘subject’ of the... (Continua)

Klauck Hans-Josef , Gemeinde und Gesellschaft im frühen Christentum, in Antonianum 76/2 (2001) p. 225-246.

Summary: The article first discusses some second‑century pagan testimonies related to early Christian communities (Lucian, Pliny, C... (Continua)

Buscemi Marcello, Dio Padre in S. Paolo, in Antonianum 76/2 (2001) p. 247/269.

Summary: The present study intends to fill a gap found in the field of Pauline studies. Indeed, despite the amount of scholarly research ... (Continua)

Rush Paul Luke , Syncretism of New Age Spirituality, in Antonianum 76/2 (2001) p. 295-326.

Summary: The article focuses on Nature and Spirituality of Nature as case example of New Age. Similar radical departures from main-line C... (Continua)

Cross Richard, Where the angels fear to tread: Duns Scotus and Radical Orthodoxy, in Antonianum 76/1 (2001) p. 7-41.

Summary: Radical Orthodoxy analyses the current state of theology by constructing explanatory narratives on the basis of theological trad... (Continua)

Manzano Isidoro G. , Individuo y sociedad en Duns Escoto, in Antonianum 76/1 (2001) p. 43-78.

Summary: The author sets forth the thought of Scotus concerning the origins of “civil society”, and the development within it of “authority” a... (Continua)

Todisco Orlando, L’univocità scotista dell’ente e la svolta moderna, in Antonianum 76/1 (2001) p. 79-110.

Summary:  After presenting the essential terms of an historographical orientation, according to which Scotostic univocity signals the beginning of the fall of th... (Continua)

Conti Alessandro, Alcune note su individuazione e struttura metafisica della sostanza prima in Duns Scoto, in Antonianum 76/1 (2001) p. 111-144.

Summary: Purpose of the article is to show the inner consistency of Duns Scotus’s innovative metaphysical theories (of divine ideas... (Continua)

Andonegui Javier, Escoto en el punto de mira, in Antonianum 76/1 (2001) p. 145-191.

Summary: Duns Scotus is frequently cited in the writings of contemporary authors; as a rule he is the object of admiration and respect. H... (Continua)

Auletta Auletta, Dio è garante di un certo ordine mondano?, in Antonianum 76/1 (2001) p. 193-196.

Summary: In this article we show that God’s choice in Aquinas is subjected to necessitas consequentiae and is anthropomorphic in th... (Continua)

Huculak Benedykt, De notionali cardine trinitariae theologiae Graecae, in Antonianum 76/1 (2001) p. 271-294.

Summary: The article deals with the notion of order between the divine Persons, which is as basic for the Trinitarian Greek theology, as ... (Continua)

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