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Articles 2007 - 2009 (61/723)



I gift him 12 books (2013, 2019, 2023, JP-2000-3)

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Anno 2009
Harsányi Pál Ottó , Amministratori o usufruttuari del creato. I. La crisi ambientale e il rapporto uomo-natura, in Antonianum 84/4 (2009) p. 639-665.

Summary: The impact of both climate change and environmental degradation claims many victims each year. Because humans are responsible for climate change, it is manda... (Continua)

Pieraccini Paolo, Girolamo Golubovich e la Biblioteca Bio-Bibliografica della Terra Santa e dell’Oriente Francescano (seconda parte), in Antonianum 84/4 (2009) p. 667-715.
Boni Andrea , Reinterpretazione di una Costituzione Conciliare (Concilio Ecumenico Lateranense IV a. 1215, Costituzione 13), in Antonianum 84/3 (2009) p. 441-495.

Summary: The Author recapitulates here a lifetime of research. His lifelong study does not so much intend to offer a completely new interpretation of the XIIIth Const... (Continua)

Herbst Thomas, The evolution of Plato’s mirror: Kenotic poverty in Clare of Assisi’s letters to Agnes of Prague, in Antonianum 84/3 (2009) p. 497-514.
Oppes Stéphane , Note di fra’ Gabriele Allegra al progetto di dichiarazione del Capitolo generale del 1973. La vocazione dell’ordine oggi., in Antonianum 84/3 (2009) p. 515-529.

Summary: On the eve of the 1973 General Chapter of the Order of Friars Minor, the Servant of God Friar Gabriel M. Allegra, at the request of his Minister Provincial, ... (Continua)

Klimas Narcyz, I danni subiti nei secoli dall’Archivio gerosolimitano: principali cause e fattori, in Antonianum 84/3 (2009) p. 531-564.

Summary: The article researches and presents the various kinds of damage caused in the past to the historical archives of the Holy land Franciscans, resulting in the ... (Continua)

Pieraccini Paolo , Padre Girolamo Golubovich e la “Biblioteca Bio-Bibliografica della Terra Santa e dell’Oriente Francescano”: (1898-1954), in Antonianum 84/3 (2009) p. 564-594.
Albrile Ezio, È M¢š Par–g l’Ouroboros iranico? , in Antonianum 84/3 (2009) p. 595-606.

Summary: The demonisation of the Planets had embarrassing consequences in Iranian astrology lore. The Zoroastrians had adopted the number seven from Babylon astral om... (Continua)

Volgger David, Tamar, Rut und Dtn 25,5-10. Drei biblische Wendepunkte, in Antonianum 84/2 (2009) p. 235-250.

Summary: The Old Testament institution of the Levirate (from the Latin for brother-in-law) is linked above all to these three texts:: the narrative of Tamar in Gn 38,... (Continua)

Solares Cristóbal, Los principales desafíos del psicólogo contemporáneo: la alteridad, la creatividad y la interdisciplinariedad, in Antonianum 84/2 (2009) p. 251-262.

Summary: The Author proposes a theory of otherness, or rather of the reality of the other, whereby it is the "thou" and not the "I" that is at the... (Continua)

Kopiec Maksym Adam, Il fenomeno delle religioni e la loro presenza nell’economia della salvezza , in Antonianum 84/2 (2009) p. 263-301.

Summary: The article sets out to offer a Christian theological perspective of the phenomenon of religions and their place in the Divine design of the universal salvat... (Continua)

Tanasiychuk Andriy, Alcuni aspetti del “munus regendi” del can. 296 CCEO, in Antonianum 84/2 (2009) p. 303-321.

Summary: The historical-juridical profile; norms of the Particular Synods; the legal norms in force; registration of the administration of Chrismation; the duty of th... (Continua)

Vecchi Fabio, La “derogatio amplissima”, replica di Clemente VIII sulle controversie giurisdizionali tra fori speciali in Portogallo, in Antonianum 84/2 (2009) p. 323-346.

Summary: In the course of the seventeenth century the already fragile coexistence of the ecclesiastical and secular jurisdictions in the Iberian-Lusitanian Kingdom te... (Continua)

Oviedo Lluis, Alle prese col naturalismo e il riduzionismo. Un resoconto della recente discussione, in Antonianum 84/2 (2009) p. 377-396.
Oviedo Lluis, Un istruttivo dibattito attorno alla profilassi dell'Aids, in Antonianum 84/2 (2009) p. 223-233.
Carbajo Núñez Martín, Libertad y hospitalidad en María. Una perspectiva franciscana, in Antonianum 84/1 (2009) p. 35-64.

Summary: This paper presents Mary of Nazareth as our model for being new creatures in Christ, emphasizing her liberty and hospitality. Preserved of all stain, Mary we... (Continua)

Harsányi Pál Ottó , La sfida dell’eutanasia e una proposta nella prospettiva della teologia della pace. II. L’eutanasia alla luce della risurrezione, in Antonianum 84/1 (2009) p. 109-141.

Summary: Euthanasia is an act of violence against the weak, who are not properly cared for but killed. At the same time, euthanasia undermines in an insidious way the... (Continua)

Gostecnik Christian, Relational Human Experiences as Sacred Phenomenon, in Antonianum 84/1 (2009) p. 143-158.

Summary. In this article we will introduce a new psychoanalytic dimension of relatedness, which derives from the relational family paradigm. It offers a new understan... (Continua)

Uribe Fernando, «Prolegómenos para el estudio de las Admoniciones de san Francisco de Asís. Ensayo introductivo y bibliográfico» , in Antonianum 84/1 (2009) p. 65-108.

Summary: The abundant and growing bibliographical production over the last fifty years concerning the Admonitions of Saint Francis has mo... (Continua)

Anno 2008
HORTA ESPINOZA Jorge , Diritto degli autori e verifica della qualità «cattolica». La vigilanza del Magistero sulla pubblicazione degli scritti cattolici, in Antonianum 83/4 (2008) p. 603-624.

Summary: The right of authors' to the intellectual property of their works is today vigorously promoted and defended in every society. This same right, as is show... (Continua)

Harsányi Pál Ottó , La sfida dell’eutanasia e una proposta nella prospettiva della teologia della pace. I. Una chiarificazione terminologica e le principali risposte offerte dalla tradizione, in Antonianum 83/4 (2008) p. 557-588.

Summary: Difficulties arise when looking for a precise interpretation of euthanasia as a phenomenon due to the different meaning associated with the term throughout h... (Continua)

Cross Richard , Fides et Ratio: The Harmony of Philosophy and Theology in Duns Scotus, in Antonianum 83/4 (2008) p. 589-602.

Summary: A recent analysis of the theological contribution of Duns Scotus includes the following: God’s transcendence and otherness are so exalted [by Duns Scot... (Continua)

Gallotti Claudio , Usura ed interesse dal XII al XV secolo. L’usura: forma degenerativa dell’interesse?, in Antonianum 83/4 (2008) p. 625-652.

Summary: 1. Premises. 2. The legitimacy of interest in Roman Law. 3. The attitude of the Councils in respect of the phenomenon of interest and usury. 4. The canonists... (Continua)

Lèrtora Mendoza Celina A., Sobre la beatitud segùn Scoto, in Antonianum 83/4 (2008) p. 653-671.
Chow Paul H. C., Thomas Aquinas's Theory Reflected, in Antonianum 83/4 (2008) p. 673-692.
Pazzini Massimo, La pace nell’Antico Testamento (considerazioni linguistiche), in Antonianum 83/3 (2008) p. 369-383.

Summary: The word šālôm, in the Hebrew Bible, often has meanings that go beyond the simple concept of “peace.” From comparison with Acad... (Continua)

Melone Mary, L’unità dell’amore nella visione cristiana. L’enciclica “Deus caritas est” a confronto con il pensiero di Bernardo di Chiaravalle, Guglielmo di Saint-Thierry e Riccardo di S. Vittore, in Antonianum 83/3 (2008) p. 385-417.

Summary: Pope Benedict XVI's Encyclical, "Deus caritas est", issues and invitation to consider love, the central reality of Christianity, in its fundame... (Continua)

Kopiec Maksym Adam, Il fondamento della fede e la sua ragionevolezza. , in Antonianum 83/3 (2008) p. 419-450.

Summary: This articles partecipates in current theological research on faith, seeking to highlight its nature and its constitutive elements. Being the condition of an... (Continua)

Papale Claudio , Brevi considerazioni in ordine ai delitti di cui al can. 1389 §§ 1-2, in Antonianum 83/3 (2008) p. 451-468.

Summary: This article examines the factispecies governed by canon 1389; it reviews briefly the canon law before the 1983 Code before going on to analyse the two crime... (Continua)

Marini Vittorina, Orizzonti, percorsi e testimoni della spiritualità contemporanea, in Antonianum 83/3 (2008) p. 469-490.
Peratoner Alberto, La persona umana e la sua felicità. Linee di riflessione sui fondamenti filosofici della prospettiva eudaimonistica dell'esistenza, in Antonianum 83/3 (2008) p. 491-509.
Matula Stanislaw Bogusz, Sacra Scriptura, Sancta Virgo, Spiritus Sanctus. Maria e la molteplice rivelazione di Gesù Cristo nell’insegnamento di San Bonaventura da Bagnoregio , in Antonianum 83/2 (2008) p. 191-226.

Summary: The theory of illumination is centred by Bonaventure on the cate-gory of light, and is one of the indispensable trajectories of interpreting his writings. Pr... (Continua)

Martone Lucrezia Iris, La conoscenza di Fozio della filosofia neoplatonica: la collezione filosofica e la quaestio 75 ad Anfilochio , in Antonianum 83/2 (2008) p. 227-246.

Summary: This study enters into the discussion of two questions that are still open: Whether Photius had a knowledge of philosophy, particularly pagan Neo-Platonism, ... (Continua)

Giordan Giuseppe , Stefano Federici, Cattolicesimo e pluralismo culturale. Un confronto tra Italia e Stati Uniti, in Antonianum 83/2 (2008) p. 247-277.

Summary: The history of Christianity can be described as a history of constant confrontation with the social and cultural context it met all along the centuries. Such... (Continua)

Forthome Bernard, Le Goût du Paradis. Jardins cartusiens et franciscains , in Antonianum 83/2 (2008) p. 279-307.

Summary: Even though St. Bruno describes the charm of his own monstery in Calabria and not the austere Chartreuse, when emphasising the expansion of the spirit that t... (Continua)

Vaiani Cesare, Figure e motivi della conteplazione nelle teologie medievali, in Antonianum 83/2 (2008) p. 309-332.

Cesare Vaiani

Andrea Di Maio

Silvana Vecchio

Begg Christopher , The Denouement of the Story of Gideon according to Josephus , in Antonianum 83/1 (2008) p. 9-23.

Summary: This essay offers a detailed study of Josephus' account, in Ant. 5.227-232, of the finale of the career of the "judge" Gideon, both in relation... (Continua)

Garuti Adriano, L’ecclesiologia oggi , in Antonianum 83/1 (2008) p. 25-40.

Summary: In the context of the ecclesiology of Vatican II and of the post-Conciliar period, the Author offers a commentry on last year’s document of the Congreg... (Continua)

Martino Antonio, Rivisitazioni heideggeriane , in Antonianum 83/1 (2008) p. 41-51.

Summary: This article, in following Heideggerian existential analytics as explicitated in Sein und Zeit, intends to trace the “philosophically primary” me... (Continua)

Solares Cristóbal, La agresividad al servicio del amor: una aproximación psico-pedagógica-pastoral , in Antonianum 83/1 (2008) p. 53-67.

Summary: Following the psychological theory of object relations by Otto Kernberg, the Author seeks to demonstrate that aggressiveness can be educated and channelled p... (Continua)

Gostecnik Christian, Salvation Presupposes a Relationship – New Paradigm in Psychotherapy, in Antonianum 83/1 (2008) p. 69-93.

Summary: A human being is in his essence a being of relationships, a being of dialogue, which is why everyone, consciously or subconsciously, unstoppably longs for a ... (Continua)

Guasco Maurilio, Donna, chiesa e società: dal 1800 ai nostri giorni, in Antonianum 83/1 (2008) p. 95-106.
Percan Josip B., Padre Karlo Balic', primo presidente della Commissione Scotista e della PAMI, nel contesto dello scotismo croato del secolo XX, in Antonianum 83/1 (2008) p. 107-128.
Anno 2007
Carbajo Núñez Martín, Intimidad y comunicación. Bases filosófico-teológicas para un encuentro en autenticidad, in Antonianum 82/4 (2007) p. 637-675.

Summary: This article offers some philosophical and theological bases for a new equilibrium between privacy and communication. In our liberal society, the predominant... (Continua)

Fazio Mariano, Il diritto alla fama e alla privacy nel moderno Magistero della Chiesa sulla comunicazione sociale, in Antonianum 82/4 (2007) p. 677-698.

Summary: With the Second Vatican Council there is an increase in the specific attention given by the Church’s Magisterium to the means of social communicagtions... (Continua)

Klein Eckart, La libertà di opinione e la tutela della personalità secondo il Patto internazionale sui diritti civili e politici, in Antonianum 82/4 (2007) p. 699-715.

Summary: Freedom of expression, and hence of the press – and more generally, of the means of social communication, the “mass media” – is among... (Continua)

Weiß Norman, La libertà di opinione e la tutela della personalità secondo la convenzione europea dei diritti dell’uomo, in Antonianum 82/4 (2007) p. 717-733.

Summary: Freedom of expression, and hence of the press – and more generally, of the means of social communication, the “mass media” – is among... (Continua)

Horta Espinoza Jorge, Diritto all’intimità. Fondamenti storici e proiezione del can. 220 CIC e can. 23 CCEO, in Antonianum 82/4 (2007) p. .

Summary: The right to one’s “interiority,” as it were, which has achieved growing recognition in secular law systems, defined as “privacy&rdqu... (Continua)

Papale Claudio, Brevi note in tema di delitto di falsa denuncia e lesione dell’altrui buona fama (can. 1390, §2) e di tutela penale del diritto all’intimità, in Antonianum 82/4 (2007) p. 757-782.

Summary: This article examines, first of all, however concisely, the two distinct ecclesiastical delicts – or, canonical crimes – established by canon. 13... (Continua)

Cappello Glori , Maurice Blondel e Luigi Stefanini: corrispondenza inedita intorno alla possibilià di una “Filosofia Cristiana”, in Antonianum 82/3 (2007) p. 449-477.

Summary: Around the fourth decade of the last century there is a discernible climate of lively interest in a “Christian philosophy” and in new apologetic ... (Continua)

Buffon Giuseppe, La provincia americana delle Francescane Missionarie del Sacro Cuore (1969-1979). Tra cura dell’infanzia e svolgimento del paradigma religioso (II). Crisi del servizio educativo e riflessi istituzionali, in Antonianum 82/3 (2007) p. 479-590.

* The first part of this article was published in Antonianum 2, 2007, 283-350.

Kopiec Maksym Adam , Il cristianesimo e le religioni al Concilio Vaticano II e nel Magistero recente, in Antonianum 82/3 (2007) p. 511-558.

Summary: The relationship of the Church to the religions of humankind – to which the Author already dedicated a previous study on these pages (in Antonianum.&he... (Continua)

Morales Ríos Jorge H. , «Le cose viste»: tra silenzio e proclamazione Mc 1,1; 9,9 e 16,6-7: tre testi in stretto rapporto, in Antonianum 82/2 (2007) p. 209-245.

Sommario: Merita speciale attenzione il rapporto che Mc 9,9 stabilisce fra trasfigurazione e risurrezione, infatti «le cose viste» nel Monte potranno esse... (Continua)

Buffon Giuseppe , Tra confessionalismo e secolarizzazione. La provincia americana delle Francescane Missionarie del Sacro Cuore tra cura dell’infanzia e svolgimento del paradigma religioso, in Antonianum 82/2 (2007) p. 283-350.

Summary: This study highlights the changes in caring for children, in the Diocese of New York, by women’s religious congregations, from the middle of the ninete... (Continua)

Albrile Ezio, Sigilla Anuli Salomonis. Mito e leggenda nella tradizione magica su Salomone, in Antonianum 82/2 (2007) p. 351-372.

Summary: The Testamentum Salomonis is a late apocryphal work probably written by a Christian author of the third century of our era. The Testament tells of the marvel... (Continua)

Uribe Fernando, «La parabola della donna del deserto nelle primitive fonti agiografiche francescane. Sviluppi redazionali e interpretativi» , in Antonianum 82/2 (2007) p. 247-281.
Carbajo Núñez Martín, Trabajo, finanzas e identidad en la lógica franciscana del don, in Antonianum 82/1 (2007) p. 55-88.

Summary: This article presents labour and finances from the perspective of Francis of Assisi and the Franciscan Theological Tradition. The discourse is founded on a C... (Continua)

Garuti Adriano , Il significato della soppressione di un titolo, in Antonianum 82/1 (2007) p. 9-30.

Summary: This article is occasioned by the reactions to the discontinuation, in the Annuario Pontificio of 2006, of the title “Patriarch of the West” refe... (Continua)

Popović Anto, Jesus and Abraham in the context of Luke’s genealogy (Luke 3:23-38), in Antonianum 82/1 (2007) p. 31-54.

Summary: The link between Jesus and Abraham is most explicit in the two genealogies found in the New Testament: Matthew 1:1-17 and Luke 3:23-38. This article analyses... (Continua)

Kopiec Maksym Adam , Il rapporto tra la Rivelazione divina e le religioni nella comprensione cristiana fino alla soglia del Concilio Vaticano II. Una prospettiva storica, in Antonianum 82/1 (2007) p. 89-121.

Summary: Christianity’s originality resides in the definitive and universal character of God’s revelation in Jesus Christ. It is Jesus Christ who is the f... (Continua)

Faggioni Maurizio, Sessualità e affettività nei disabili mentali, in Antonianum 82/1 (2007) p. 123-148.

Summary: This article examines, in the light of Christian anthropology, and in the perspective of ethics, certain questions concerning the affective-sexual life of pe... (Continua)

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