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Revista Antonianum
Ensayos 0 - 2020 (18/18)



Dono al Papa 12 libros (2013, 2019, 2023, JP-2000-3)

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Anno 2013
Susini Mirella, La “scrittura” teologica di Christophe Lebreton, monaco trappista di Tibhirine (Algeria). Una lettura sapienziale dell’incontro tra Gesù e la Samaritana (Gv 4,1-42) , in Antonianum 88/1 (2013) p. 131-167.

Summary: This article presents, first of all, a precise synthesis of Lebreton’s theological style, characterized by originality and... (Continua)

Anno 2012
Matura Thadèe, Faisons une habitation et une demeure au Père-Fils-Esprit, in Antonianum 87/2 (2012) p. 347-366.
Vidales Augustìn Hernàndez, L'umanesimo di San Francesco, in Antonianum 87/2 (2012) p. 367-379.

Summary: The article re-presents a reading of humanism of Francis of Assisi highlighting three main aspects that same criticism has point... (Continua)

Anno 2011
Forthomme Bernard, La redécouverte du concept de volonté, in Antonianum 86/2 (2011) p. 361-382.

Summary: Having engaged with the late emergence of the concept of will in human thought, and further, the emergence of the will as freedom (voluntas id est libertas) ... (Continua)

Bottini Claudio, De Jesus a Nazareth: Presentazione del secondo volume di Gesù di Nazaret del Papa Benedetto XVI., in Antonianum 86/2 (2011) p. 209-223.
Manhica Alfredo, Il “nuovo umanesimo” nel pensiero di Frantz Fanon., in Antonianum 86/1 (2011) p. 95-111.

Summary: Manhiça Alfredo analyses Frantz Fanon’s thought by inquiring into the roles that  theWestern philosophy and the Christian Faith played duri... (Continua)

Chow Paul H. C., Literary Perspectives on the Eucharist, in Antonianum 86/1 (2011) p. 113-139.
Anno 2010
Godayol Pilar, La Vita Christi de Sor Isabel de Villena : escritura en feminino, in Antonianum 85/2 (2010) p. 301-311.
Forthomme Bernard, Posture verticale et parrèsie. Approche anthropologique, in Antonianum 85/1 (2010) p. 133-160.

Summary: This study is an effort to think together, as it were, the upright posture of the human body, indispensable for the emergence of... (Continua)

Anno 2009
Lackner Franz, De Scoto: Per la riscoperta della fede. Il contributo del pensiero di Giovanni Duns Scoto, in Antonianum 84/4 (2009) p. 751-762.
Gorman Michael, De Scoto: On a Thomistic worry about Scotus’s doctrine of the Esse Christi, in Antonianum 84/4 (2009) p. 719-733.
Ingham Mary Beth, De Scoto: Homo enim forte est subiectum tam moralis scientiae quam medicinae – Non autem felicitas vel sanitas...”: Reflections on Scotus’s Moral Perspective, in Antonianum 84/4 (2009) p. 735-749.
Freyer Johannes Baptist, De Scoto: Skotusfeier und Kongress an der Päpstlichen Universität “Antonianum”, in Antonianum 84/4 (2009) p. 717-718.
Sengers Erik, Catholicism and Global Capitalism. The Role of Movements in Shaping Catholicism in a New Social Context, in Antonianum 84/3 (2009) p. 607-620.
Martinez Fresneda, Francisco, La filiación divina de la historia humana, in Antonianum 84/2 (2009) p. 347-375.

Summary: The Incarnation of the Word make it possible for the creation, humanity and the person to become “new” realities bei... (Continua)

Hechich Barnaba, Ricerca e adesione alla verità nell'insegnamento del Beato Giovanni Duns Scoto, in Antonianum 84/1 (2009) p. 11-21.
Anno 2007
Simini Roberta, De Jesus a Nazareth: I Padri nella riflessione di Joseph Ratzinger-Benedetto XVI in Gesù di Nazareth, in Antonianum 82/3 (2007) p. 441-448.
Morales Rios Jorge Humberto, De Jesus a Nazareth: Presentazione del libro Gesù di Nazareth di Papa Benedetto XVI, in Antonianum 82/3 (2007) p. 415-439.
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