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Contact PUA - Addresses


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Administration Office
telephone: 0670373502
fax: 0670373604
E-mail: segreteria@antonianum.eu
Schedule: Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 12.00 am, and from 15.30 to 18.00 pm
General Secretary:
Fr. Marek Wach, O.F.M.
telephone: 0670373503
fax: 0670373604
E-mail: segretario@antonianum.eu
Fr. Giulio Barocco, O.F.M.
telephone: 0670373502
Staff member:
Dr. Valeriano Fiori
telephone: 0670373504
Rector´s Office
telephone: 0670373501
E-mail: segreteriarettorato@antonianum.eu
Dean of Theology Faculty
telephone: 0670373523
E-mail: teologia@antonianum.eu
Dean of Biblical Sciences and Archeology Faculty
telephone: 0097226282936
fax: 0097226264519
E-mail: secretary@studiumbiblicum.org
Dean of Canon Law Faculty
telephone: 0670373524
E-mail: diritto@antonianum.eu
Dean of Philosophy Faculty
telephone: 0670373525
E-mail: filosofia@antonianum.eu
Presidency of the Franciscan Institute of Spirituality (IFS)
telephone: 0670373526
E-mail: ifs@antonianum.eu
Presidency of the Institute for Ecumenical Studies (ISE)
telephone: 0415235341
fax: 0412414020
E-mail: segreteria@isevenezia.it
Presidency of the School for Advanced Medieval and Franciscan Studies (SSSMF)
telephone: 0670373528
E-mail: sssmf@antonianum.eu
Presidency of the Institute for Advanced Religious Studies (ISSR)
telephone: 0670373527
E-mail: issr@antonianum.eu
Presidency of the Institute for Fundamental Theology (ITM)
telephone: (34) 968 245 608
Fax: (34) 968 233 162
E-mail: ITM: Teologia fondamentale (Murcia)
Library´s Director
telephone: 0670373571
fax: 0670373508
E-mail: biblioteca@antonianum.eu
Financial dpt
telephone: 0670373461
fax: 0670373606
E-mail: economato@antonianum.eu
Informatics & Webmaster
telephone: 0670373509
fax: 0670373606
E-mail: informatica@antonianum.eu
Antonianum Review administration
telephone: 0670373462
fax: 0670373605
E-mail: rivista@antonianum.eu
telephone: 0670373531
E-mail: cappellano@antonianum.eu
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Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Rome - Italy
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