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Pubblicazioni del prof. (14)


(Libri: 1; Articoli: in riviste accademiche 4; in libri collettivi 0; Altri 0 ; Blogs: 0)

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Libri (1)
Alvarez M. , Terminologia deuteronomistica en los libros históricos (Jueces - 2 Reyes), collana Bibliotheca, 33, Ed. Antonianum, Roma, 1994 , p. 130 pp. (€ 17,04) ISBN 88-7257-025-5 .

(Libri: 1; Articoli: in riviste accademiche 4; in libri collettivi 0; Altri 0 ; Blogs: 0)

Articoli pubblicati su riviste accademiche (4)
Álvarez Barredo Miguel, Perfiles literarios y teológicos de Jue 7 , in Antonianum 75/1 (2000) p. 3-40.

Summary : Judg 7 describes the victory of Gideon over the Midianites and, at the same time, reveals the military genius of this judge in conceiving and executing a strategy. Nevertheless, this chapter reflects a long history at the redactional and theological levels, gathering different literary perspectives and theological currents. T... (Continua)

Álvarez Barredo Miguel, Aspectos literarios y lectura teológica de Jue 2,6-3,6 , in Antonianum 73/2 (1998) p. 219-239.
Álvarez Barredo Miguel, Los relatos sobre los primeros jueces (jue 3,7-4). Enfoques literarios y teológicos, in Antonianum 73/3 (1998) p. 407-457.

In Jgs 2:11-19, we find a series of literary and theological keys that run through most of the book of Judges. These are formulas, which have been used to unify and armonize the stories of the Judges. The conclusions of the study done by W. Richter, among others, have served greatly to give a unifyng comprehension of the book. Yet, together with these keys, each episode of a judge encloses a... (Continua)

Alvarez Barredo Miguel, La reforma de Josias en la optica deuteronomistica, in Antonianum 69/4 (1994) p. 417-432.

SUMMARY: This article revolves around 2 Kings 22-23, chapters central to the reform ofJosiah. The concrete aim is to explain the deuteronomic re-reading of the previous traditions with a view to appreciating the Deuteronomist's theological intentions. It is precisely the cultural differences whi­ch, as proof of infidelity and r... (Continua)


(Libri: 1; Articoli: in riviste accademiche 4; in libri collettivi 0; Altri 0 ; Blogs: 0)

Recensioni (9)
Alvarez Barredo Miguel, Recensione: GIANCARLO BIGUZZI, I settenari nella struttura dell’Apocalisse. Analisi, storia della ricerca, interpretazione , in Antonianum 73/2 (1998) p. 369-371.
Alvarez Barredo Miguel, Recensione: BENEDETTO PRETE, La passione e la morte di Gesù nel raconto di Luca, Vol 2, in Antonianum 73/2 (1998) p. 371-372.
Alvarez Barredo Miguel, Recensione: Eldon J.Epp - Gordon D. Fee, Studies in the Theory and Method of New Testament Textual Criticism , in Antonianum 71/2 (1996) p. 364.
Alvarez Barredo Miguel, Recensione: DONALD A. HAGNER, Matthew 14-28, in Antonianum 71/3 (1996) p. 569-570.
Alvarez Barredo Miguel, Recensione: Leonhard Goppelt, A Commentary on I Peter , in Antonianum 70/3-4 (1995) p. 694-695.
Alvarez Barredo Miguel, Recensione: Donald A. Hagner, Matthew 1-13, Word Biblical Commentary 33A , in Antonianum 70/3-4 (1995) p. 696-697.
Alvarez Barredo Miguel, Recensione: José Fernando Toribio Cuadrado, El Viniente. Estudio exegético y teológico del verbo ερχεσθαι en la literatura joánica , in Antonianum 69/2-3 (1994) p. 392-393.
Alvarez Barredo Miguel, Recensione: Bertram Pittner, Studien zumlukanischen Sondergut. Sprachliche, theologische und formkritische Untersuchungen zu Sonderguttexten in Lk 5-19 , in Antonianum 69/4 (1994) p. 550-551.
Alvarez Barredo Miguel, Recensione: Claus-Peter Marz, « .... Lasst eure Lampen brennen! » , in Antonianum 69/4 (1994) p. 551-552.
Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Roma - Italia
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