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Publicaciones del prof. (5)


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(Libros: 0; Artículos: en revistas académicas 4; en libros 0; Otros 0 ; Blogs: 0)

Artículos publicados en revistas académicas (4)
Melone Mary, L’universalitā dell’azione salvifica dello Spirito: una prospettiva medievale. Terza parte: il De missione Spiritus sancti di Riccardo di S.Vittore, in Antonianum 87/2 (2012) p. 281-299.

Summary: By evaluating the sermon of Richard of S. Victor, De missione Spiritus Sancti, the route of research on the pneumatological meaning of Sap 1,7 ends. Richard’s contribution is particularly important, because he takes up the previously raised issues by processing them within an overall project, in which the three actions of the Wisdom verse make up a... (Continúa)

Melone Mary, L’universalitā dell’azione salvifica dello Spirito. Una prospettiva medievale. Parte I, in Antonianum 86/2 (2011) p. 237-258.

Summary: Against the background of the present debate concerning the significance to be attributed to the universal activity of the Spirit, this article studies the use of Wisdom 1,7, in which the omnipresence of the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity is affirmed. In this first par... (Continúa)

Melone Mary, L’universalitā dell’azione salvifica dello Spirito Santo. Parte II., in Antonianum 86/3 (2011) p. 451-470.

Summary: In the twelfth century, the use of SAP 1.7 for the composition of sermons related to the feast of Pentecost introduces new elements of interpretation in the reconstruction of the pneumatological use of the wisdom text, as a result of how the sacred page is read,... (Continúa)

Melone Mary D. , Lo Spirito Santo nel De Trinitate di Riccardo di San Vittore: L’originalitā di una proposta, in Antonianum 77/1 (2002) p. 33-66.

Summary: This introduction to Richard of St. Victor's pneumathology seeks to deepen our understanding of the Trinitarian theology found in his De Trinitate – with particular attention to the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity: His procession from the Father and Son and His physiognomy within the Trinitarian Mystery. Attentio... (Continúa)

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