Inicio > Publicaciones > Boni Lunes 22 Julio 2024

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La legislazione clariana nel contesto giuridico delle sue origini e della sua evoluzione

Foto Boni Andrea , La legislazione clariana nel contesto giuridico delle sue origini e della sua evoluzione, in Antonianum, 70/1 (1995) p. 47-98 .

SUMMARY: On the 8th centenary of the birth of St. Clare (1193-1993) scholars have focussed their attentation on the evangelical life and the founding activity of this Saint in accordance with their specific expertise. The author of this study directs his attentation to the Clarian legislation, a field, which has not yet, even today, been sufficiently explored. He elaborates on the problems evo­ked by such legislation in the juridical context of its origins and its evolution. He demonstrates that such legislation must be understood primarily within its evaluation of juridical order: without this juridical attention to the Clarian legislation one cannot understand neither the evangelical expe­rience of St. Clare nor her initiative as a foundress of a new and autonomous monastic Order. In the systematic organisation of his study, the author treats the Clarian legislation in its relation to: (a) the profession of obedience» made by St. Clare; (b) the «regulare propositum» of St. Clare; (c) the dispositions of Lateran Council IV (1215); and (d) the institution of monastic religion».

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