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Le «Postillae Dominicales» di Fr. Girolamo d'Ascoli

Foto Cenci Cesare , Le «Postillae Dominicales» di Fr. Girolamo d'Ascoli, in Antonianum, 68/4 (1993) p. 485-525 .

SUMMARY: We know about the cursus honorum of Br. Jerome of Ascoli as Nuncio to Con­stantinople (1272), Minister General (1274), Cardinal (1278), Pope (1288-1292). There are no references to his cultural formation. Of the works attributed to him, only the Postillae Domi-nicaks contained in the cod. Casanatense 1184, have come to light; these are 197 very brief schema o divisions of the Gospels and Epistles for Sunday with an expositio and collatio for every text; each piece is described by and incipit and explicit (a-it). An appendix of five mor noteworthy texts follows, a double redaction in n. 6, an expositio in n. 7.

Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Roma - Italia
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