Inicio > Publicaciones > Martone Lunes 22 Julio 2024

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La conoscenza di Fozio della filosofia neoplatonica: la collezione filosofica e la quaestio 75 ad Anfilochio

Foto Martone Lucrezia Iris , La conoscenza di Fozio della filosofia neoplatonica: la collezione filosofica e la quaestio 75 ad Anfilochio , in Antonianum, 83/2 (2008) p. 227-246 .

Summary: This study enters into the discussion of two questions that are still open: Whether Photius had a knowledge of philosophy, particularly pagan Neo-Platonism, and whether he had in some way access to the prestigious collection of Neo-Platonist philosophy. A negative answer to the first question has for a long time resulted in a negative response to the second one as well. This article takes up, first of all, the many questions regarding the philosophical collection, highlighting the elements that may tie it in some way to Photius and to his circle; it then clarifies the presence of doctrinal aspects that lead back to Neo-Platonism by means of analysis of quaestio 75 of the Amphilochia, where Photius deals with the significant problem of how transcendence and immanence can coexist in God.

Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Roma - Italia
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