Inicio > Publicaciones > Oviedo Miércoles 03 Julio 2024

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El método interdisciplinar en teología

Foto Oviedo Lluís , El método interdisciplinar en teología, in Antonianum, 80/4 (2005) p. 589-622 .

Summary: Interdisplinarity is a hot topic in many intellectual fields. It is perceived as a research program able to overcome the shortcomings of the scientific specialization. A review of the contemporary status of such a program is called for: its achievements and limits, its several versions and applications. This is a first step in order to apply the interdisciplinary method to the theological field. As a result, a theological justification is offered and the possibilities and limits of this method in theology are explored.

Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Roma - Italia
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