Summary: Continuing his research into a subject he has been studying for some time, the Author intends here to expound the status quaesti... (Continua)
Carbajo Núñez Martín,
El proceso de individualización en Occidente: ¿Narcisismo o autenticidad?, in Antonianum 81/1 (2006) p. 5-41.
Summary: This article examines the modern “turn to the self”, in order to see if Western society is heading towards the ideal of authenticity or towards a sort of dangerous narcissism. Might it be t... (Continua)
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d’Almeida Bernardo,
Il piano per uccidere Gesù, in Antonianum 81/1 (2006) p. 43-61.
Summary: In his study, the author explores the “conflict for unity” in John 11:47-53. The conflict occurs because of the different ways in which the Jewis... (Continua)
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Garuti Adriano,
Ecclesiologia eucaristica e primato del Vescovo di Roma , in Antonianum 81/1 (2006) p. 63-81.
Summary: This year will see the re-launching of the Catholic-Orthodox theological dialogue, which will face the delicate subject of the Primacy of the Roman Pontiff, ... (Continua)
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Boni Andrea,
Integrazione giuridica tra la Prima e la Seconda Regola, in Antonianum 81/1 (2006) p. 83-108.
Summary: The author explores the relationship between the “first” and the “second” Rules of the Order of Friars Minor, in the key of “ju... (Continua)
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Tammaro Ciro ,
“Persona” e “Status” nell’ordinamento canonico medievale, in Antonianum 81/1 (2006) p. 109-117.
Summary:1. Preliminary observations. 2. The meaning of the term “persona” in mediaeval canon law. 3. The concepts of “status”, “officium... (Continua)
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Righi Davide ,
I capisaldi della fede nella teologia arabo-cristiana, in Antonianum 81/1 (2006) p. 119-134.
Summary: The considerable theological heritage of the Arab Christian communities in the Middle East is still relatively little known outside of specalised circles, an... (Continua)
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Pieraccini Paolo ,
Un’Università Cattolica a Gerusalemme?, in Antonianum 81/1 (2006) p. 135-161.
Summary: The author details the results of his research into the early history of the famed “Terra Sancta College” - the most prominent physical presence of the Catholic Church in West Jerusalem - its... (Continua)
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Anno 2005 |
Oviedo Lluís,
El método interdisciplinar en teología, in Antonianum 80/4 (2005) p. 589-622.
Summary: Interdisplinarity is a hot topic in many intellectual fields. It is perceived as a research program able to overcome the shortcomings of the scientific speci... (Continua)
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Forthomme Bernard,
Le corps: croisement entre l’individu et l’institution?, in Antonianum 80/4 (2005) p. 623-648.
Summary: How does one articulate the discernment among hagiographical accounts, personal writings, the selection of a written document as the measure of interpretatio... (Continua)
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Savignano Armando,
Don Chisciotte tra idealismo etico e tragedia, in Antonianum 80/4 (2005) p. 649-659.
Summary: The brief essay offers an account of Unamuno’s interpretation of the novel Don Quijote. That commentary is paradoxical as it takes into crisis the conc... (Continua)
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Sileo Leonardo ,
Virtù ‘naturales’ e giustizie. la q. 1 della dist. 33 del III libro della lectura super sententias di Odo Rigaldi, in Antonianum 80/4 (2005) p. 661-677.
Summary: This article traces the phases of the doctrinal development with regard to the connexion between the philosophical theory of the virtues and the theological ... (Continua)
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Antiseri Dario,
Filosofia contemporanea e riconquista della contingenza, in Antonianum 80/4 (2005) p. 679-698.
Summary: Contemporary philosophical thought does on the whole both goes beyond and overcomes that bold vision of reason that was typical of a certain form of the Enli... (Continua)
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Ferrari Silvio ,
Rapporti tra Stato e Chiesa: un modello europeo, in Antonianum 80/4 (2005) p. 699-723.
Summary: The article evokes and reviews the traditional classification of systems of relations between the State and religion in Europe, which it then finds inadequat... (Continua)
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Garuti Adriano,
Un semplice e umile lavoratore nella vigna del Signore, in Antonianum 80/3 (2005) p. 403-416.
Summary: The author makes use of his experience as a co-worker, during more than twenty years, with the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation of... (Continua)
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Amato Angelo,
Ecclesia de Eucaristia, riflessioni teologico pastorali, in Antonianum 80/3 (2005) p. 417-431.
Summary: The article proposes to articulate the different meanings and dimensions of the Eucharistic sacrament, following the path of the recent magisterial document ... (Continua)
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Begg Chistopher,
David’s fourfold escape according to Josephus, in Antonianum 80/3 (2005) p. 433-452.
Summary: 1 Samuel 19 tells of David’s escapes from attempts on his life made by King Saul. This article examines Josephus’ retelling of the biblical chapt... (Continua)
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Zawadzki Ryszard ,
L’abbondare della giustizia in vista del Regno dei cieli (Mt 5,20), in Antonianum 80/3 (2005) p. 453-484.
Summary: The article deals with a specific problem concerning the literary composition of the sermon on the mount (Mt 5-7). The author aims to determine, by means of ... (Continua)
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Sella Pacifico,
San Francesco e l’incontro con il sultano d’Egitto rivisitazione storica per una rilettura dei rapporti con l’Islam, in Antonianum 80/3 (2005) p. 485-498.
Summary: The author proposes to read some historical facts of St Franci’s experience – his journey to Egypt with the pilgrims of the Fifth Crusade and the... (Continua)
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Soudan Yves ,
Pour un nouvel humanisme : repenser la propriété et le bien en commun, in Antonianum 80/3 (2005) p. 499-512.
At the time of the Renaissance civil wars, our western society was designed with the concepts of individual, contract and State. This humanism, overlooking the fact t... (Continua)
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Diotallevi Luca ,
Spiritualità e politica. Una sfida per i cattolici europei di fronte alla globalizzazione, in Antonianum 80/3 (2005) p. 513-531.
Summary: Starting from a sociological point of view, this paper calls attention to some new aspects of the old question concerning the relationship between Christian ... (Continua)
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Báez-Rubí Linda ,
La herencia del Ars lulliana contemplativa en el orbe cultural de la evangelización franciscana: Fray Juan de Zumárraga y la vía de los beneficios en tierras de la nueva España, in Antonianum 80/3 (2005) p. 532-562.
Summary: The Christian iconography requires the guidance of theological and spiritual patterns for a better understanding. The missionary art of the first century in ... (Continua)
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Orlando Luigi ,
Il Figlio dell’uomo. Percorso teologico , in Antonianum 80/2 (2005) p. 207-244.
Summary. Throughout history, the study of the Son of man logia has given rise to a vast literature. The opinions of the exegetes are varied. The author analyzes the S... (Continua)
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Stasiak Sławomir ,
Gesù è Signore del sabato. Studio diacronico di Lc 6,1-5, in Antonianum 80/2 (2005) p. 245-276.
Summary: The discourse of Lc 6,1-5 comes from a Markian source, probably mixed with a second source. Luke has introduced some changes in order to adapt it into his ow... (Continua)
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Fiorentino Francesco,
La teoria della determinazione della volontà divina di Duns Scoto e la sua immediata ricezione medievale, in Antonianum 80/2 (2005) p. 277-318.
Summary: This article invites us to examine the Scotist theory on the determination of the divine will. Those who followed Scotus and first of all his immediate succe... (Continua)
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Schöch Nikolaus,
Il Supremo Tribunale della Signatura Apostolica al servizio dell’equa soluzione dei conflitti tra i fedeli e le autorità amministrative della Chiesa, in Antonianum 80/2 (2005) p. 319-331.
Summary: The merger of parishes, the reduction of churches to the profane state, the removal of parish priests, the dismissal of religious from their institute and si... (Continua)
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Messa Pietro,
Libertà e maturità affettiva nel celibato consacrato in relazione alla familiarità affettiva con la Vergine Maria, in Antonianum 80/2 (2005) p. 333-354.
Summary: The present article takes as starting point a proposal of Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini regarding the correlation between the affective maturity of consecrate... (Continua)
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BUFFON Giuseppe ,
La vita religiosa e la crisi dell’eccellenza. Il caso della Francescane negli Stati Uniti, in Antonianum 80/1 (2005) p. 69-84.
Summary: The concept of excellence can be clarified through the analysis of its institutional process. But, in this process, the focus of the article is the phase of ... (Continua)
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Béjar José Serafín ,
Hacia una nueva forma de realización sistemática: la Simbolica ecclesiale de B. Forte y La entraña del cristianismo de O. González de Cardedal , in Antonianum 80/1 (2005) p. 3-34.
Summary: The books “La Simbolica ecclesiale” by B. Forte (Italy), and “La Entraña del cristianismo” by O. González de Cardedal (... (Continua)
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Forthomme Bernard ,
Crise et reprise de l’excellence religieuse, in Antonianum 80/1 (2005) p. 35-67.
Summary : After a historical overview on the sliding of the concept of perfection to the uncertain notion of excellence, this study examines successively the competin... (Continua)
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Calvo Moralejo Gaspar ,
La Purísima Concepción de María en la “Mística Ciudad de Dios” de la M. Agreda, in Antonianum 80/1 (2005) p. 85-117.
Summary: The Catholic Church is celebrating 150 years of the dogmatic declaration of the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary. The article reviews the theological... (Continua)
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Alonso Pérez José Ignacio,
Evoluzione delle patologie matrimoniali dei cattolici presso i Tribunali Ecclesiastici di Europa 1971-2001, in Antonianum 80/1 (2005) p. 119-135.
Summary: The paper studies the evolution of the Ecclesiastic Tribunals in their role of recognizing the annulment of matrimonies of European Catholics in the period b... (Continua)
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Giordan Giuseppe,
‘Devotio postmoderna’ Survey on a sample of devotees to St. Anthony of Padua, in Antonianum 80/1 (2005) p. 137-146.
Summary: What does it mean to be a “devotee” in the context of postmodern religious pluralism? A random telephone survey inte... (Continua)
Ghisalberti Alessandro,
Percorsi dell’infinito nel pensiero filosofico e teologico di Duns Scoto, in Antonianum 80/1 (2005) p. 147-156.
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Anno 2004 |
Carbajo Núñez Martín,
La protección de la intimidad en los códigos deontológicos del periodismo europeo, in Antonianum 79/4 (2004) p. 715-745.
Summary: This article examines sixty codes of ethics issued and assumed by National journalism associations which operate in forty two European countries. The scope i... (Continua)
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Heinemann Heribert ,
Die Trennung von Vertrag und Sakrament? Eine Anfrage an c. 1117 CIC, in Antonianum 79/4 (2004) p. 611-632.
Summary: The Legislator, by exempting from canonical form a Catholic who has separated himself from the Church by a formal act (cf. can. 1117), has reinforced a sense... (Continua)
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Feliciani Giorgio ,
Il Consiglio delle Conferenze dei Vescovi d’Europa (C.C.E.E.), in Antonianum 79/4 (2004) p. 633-655.
Summary: The study re-examines the historical-juridical process of the Council of the Episcopal Conferences of Europe (C.C.E.E.), presents the current development, an... (Continua)
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Haering Stephan ,
Tendenzen und Desiderate im Ordensrecht. Zwei Jahrzehnte nach der Promulgation des Codex Iuris Canonici, in Antonianum 79/4 (2004) p. 657-679.
Summary: Twenty years after the promulgation, and the entry into force, of the Code of Canon Law, this article essays a balance sheet of the developments in religious... (Continua)
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Jaeger David-Maria ,
Il trasferimento della norma canonica alla norma civile attraverso lo strumento pattizio: l’esempio di Israele, in Antonianum 79/4 (2004) p. 681-691.
Summary: The legal device of renvoi, or (correspondingly) reception, which refers to the norms of a different legal order, has considerable significance also for the ... (Continua)
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Harsányi Pál Ottó,
L'amore sponsale e alcuni percorsi in vista del suo raggiungimento, in Antonianum 79/4 (2004) p. 693-713.
Summary: The Year of the Family, organised by the United Nations in 1994, offered an opportunity for John Paul II to draw up a Letter to families summarising his teachi... (Continua)
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Chiesa e Università: una presenza radicata nella cultura e nella scienza. Distinzione tra università cattoliche e università ecclesiastiche, in Antonianum 79/3 (2004) p. 533-550.
Summary: Culture and science are most needed aspects for any society. The Church shows through its involvement in university institutions its zeal and mission as Mast... (Continua)
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Popović Anto,
The Bible as a book of memory, in Antonianum 79/3 (2004) p. 411-443.
Summary: This article aims to explore some specific features of biblical memory through an analysis, which focuses on texts of the Hebrew Bible, particularly from the... (Continua)
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Rosik Mariusz,
La fede che apre la strada alla salvezza (analisi sincronica di Mc 7, 24-30), in Antonianum 79/3 (2004) p. 445-472.
Summary: The article proposes a synchronic analysis of Mark 7:24-30. This analysis is divided into three parts: the preliminary investigations (the delimitation of th... (Continua)
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Paczkowski M. Celestyn,
Girolamo e la polemica antiapollinarista, in Antonianum 79/3 (2004) p. 473-504.
Summary: Jerome was a disciple of Apollinaris of Laodicea and respected him as a biblical scholar, but in various polemical contexts he rejects Apollinaris. theologic... (Continua)
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North Robert,
Theilard, Scotus, Origen and Lyons, in Antonianum 79/3 (2004) p. 505-532.
Summary: An Antonianum Festschrift was the first published notice of Teilhard’s kinship to Scotus, claims a recent Oxford doctorate... (Continua)
Tedoldi Massimo,
"A, per, ad". L'articolazione di teologia, filosofia e mistica nel metodo di S. Bonaventura, in Antonianum 79/2 (2004) p. 207-244.
Summary: This essay explores, in a fundamental way, the link that binds faith, reason and contemplation in Bonaventure.s doctrine. To thi... (Continua)
Vaiani Cesare,
Filosofia, teologia e mistica. Esplorazione del nesso all'interno della tradizione francescana, in Antonianum 79/2 (2004) p. 245-271.
Summary: The article illustrates the fundamental characteristics of the Franciscan Theological School of the thirteenth century, dealing specifically with the works o... (Continua)
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Forthomme Bernard,
Traditions et ruptures (2), in Antonianum 79/2 (2004) p. 273-304.
Summary : This second part of our study more thoroughly examines the bond presumed between the critical thought resulting from the Franciscan movement, that looks at ... (Continua)
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Chareire Isabelle,
La grâce est un combat, in Antonianum 79/2 (2004) p. 305-330.
Summary: From the point of view of a theology of grace, in conjunction with the anthropological categories of Paul Ricoeur, this article tries to conceptualize God.s ... (Continua)
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De Groot C.N.,
Responses of Roman Catholic Parishes to the Market Situation, in Antonianum 79/2 (2004) p. 331-344.
Summary: Now that religious participation largely depends on individual choice, parishes find themselves confronted with the challenge of organizational renewal. How ... (Continua)
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Diotallevi Luca,
Cattolicesimo romano e globalizzazione religiosa, in Antonianum 79/2 (2004) p. 345-364.
Summary: This paper focuses on the relationship between Roman Catholicism and the global religious system. The study revolves around two main questions. First, if som... (Continua)
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Corbic Arnaud,
L'incroyance, un beau risque pour la foi, in Antonianum 79/2 (2004) p. 365-374.
Summary: Trying to favour a dialogue with the present state of unbelief, characterizing wider populations, the article makes good use of the late Bonhoeffer.s writing... (Continua)
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Carbajo Núñez Martín,
Intimidad, exhibicionismo y deontología periodística. Por una respuesta ética a la comercialización mediática del ámbito íntimo, in Antonianum 79/1 (2004) p. 101-128.
Summary: This article examines how the Information Age is affecting the way people manifest their inner lives to each other and the way privacy is dealt with by the m... (Continua)
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Maio Maria Teresa,
Sacramento de la Eucaristía: sacramento de comunión según San Buenaventura, in Antonianum 79/1 (2004) p. 3-43.
Summary: This article systematically reconstructs the mind of Saint Bonaventure concerning the Eucharist as a sacrament of communion because it preserves love of neig... (Continua)
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Forthomme Bernard,
Traditions et ruptures, in Antonianum 79/1 (2004) p. 45-77.
Summary : This study integrates the event of rupture in the concept of tradition, before examining in a critical manner the identity vectors of the Order of the Minor... (Continua)
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Oviedo Lluis,
Perché lasciano la vita consacrata: un’indagine empirica, in Antonianum 79/1 (2004) p. 79-100.
Summary: There is a lack of clarity in regard to the main reasons, which might explain the massive exodus of Catholic clergy in the last ... (Continua)
Pospíšil Ctirad Václav ,
Il verbum abbreviatum nel c. IX della Regula bullata e nel Breviloquium , in Antonianum 79/1 (2004) p. 129-141.
Summary: The Author reveals the links between the Bonaventurian Breviloquium and Chapter IX of the Franciscan Regula Bullata. The title chosen by Bonaventure is not a... (Continua)
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Albrile Ezio,
La genìa triforme. Aspetti della mitografia gnostica, in Antonianum 79/1 (2004) p. 143-155.
Summary: The Gnostic phenomenon is a complex reality which requires an analysis oriented mainly from a mythographic point of view. The present essay takes into accoun... (Continua)
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Fiorentino Francesco,
The concept of EIE and the natural intellect of the viator in the Third Distinction of Duns Scotus Ordinatio, in Antonianum 79/1 (2004) p. 157-168.
Summary. The aim of this article is to reflect upon the relations which John Duns Scotus, in the famous third distinction of the first book of the Ordinatio, institut... (Continua)
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